overview of NST courses in biochemistry
NST Part IA Biology of Cells (BoC)
This course is taught jointly by the Departments of Biochemistry, Genetics, Plant Sciences and Zoology.
Teaching & Learning Methods
These include lectures, supervisions, practical classes and web-based exercises
- to introduce the basic concepts of cell biology, including cell structure, macromolecules, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, development and cell communication;
- to illustrate the experimental approaches and technologies which have led to our understanding of cell biology;
- to provide laboratory classes and online exercises complementary to the lecture topics to enable students to experience directly the experimental nature of the subject;
- to provide sufficient background to enable students to continue with more specialised courses in Part IB, such as Cell and Developmental Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or Plant and Microbial Sciences.
At the end of the course students should:
- have acquired an understanding of the major concepts in cell and molecular biology, and the experimental approaches taken to address them;
- be able to write clear and well-argued descriptions of these topics, based on the course material and textbook articles;
- be able to design, perform and analyse simple experiments in cell and molecular biology;
- be able to continue with Part IB courses which have substantial elements of cell and/or molecular biology.
Assessment for this course is through:
- one unseen written examination, based on lecture material (for aims 1, 2 and 4 and learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4);
- one unseen written examination, based on material from the practical classes (for aims 2-4 and learning outcomes 1, 3 and 4).
Courses of Preparation:
Highly desirable: A-level Chemistry
Recommended: Although A-Level Biology is not a requirement, students who have not done Biology at A-Level may wish to consult an A-Level Biology text before they begin at Cambridge
NST Part IB Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB)
This course is taught by the Department of Biochemistry.
Teaching & Learning Methods
These include lectures, practical classes and discussions, computer applications, journal clubs, experimental design sessions, online quizzes and materials, and supervisions.
- To build on the Part IA Biology of Cells course, providing an advanced foundation for specialist further study of Biochemistry or other molecular biosciences in:
- the structural organisation of genes and the control of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes;
- protein structure, enzyme catalysis and protein engineering;
- the control of metabolic pathways, energy transduction and cell growth;
- the methods used to analyse biochemical structures and processes;
- the implementation of experimental protocols, use of laboratory equipment and of software to analyse molecular structure and sequences
- the principles that underlie experimental design
At the end of the course students should have knowledge and understanding of:
- recombinant DNA technology; chromatin structure, gene expression;
- protein structure and folding, conformational mobility and stability, principles of enzyme kinetics, enzyme mechanisms, allostery and antibody recognition and protein design;
- structural basis and mechanism of energy transduction in organelles and organisms, and of the control of metabolic flux;
- the control of eukaryotic cell cycle; the principal mechanisms by which oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes perturb normal cell proliferation;
- signal transduction across membranes and within and between cells;
- understanding diversity of the eukaryotic cell;
- the mechanisms of chemotaxis in bacteria;
- the analysis and critical interpretation of the results of biochemical experiments using examples from their own laboratory practice, journal clubs and lectures.
Assessment for this course is through:
- one unseen written examination based on the content of the lecture courses (for aim 1 and learning outcomes 1-8);
- one unseen written examination based on the content of the lecture courses (1/3) and the practical work conducted throughout the year (2/3) and drawing on the background given in lectures (for aim 1 and learning outcomes 1-8).
Courses of Preparation:
Essential: NST Part IA Biology of Cells
Recommended: Knowledge of A level Chemistry is assumed.
Subject Summary - Part IB BMB
This course can be read by any Part IB scientist, physical or biological, who wishes to pursue the study of biological processes at the molecular and cellular level. It builds on basic concepts discussed in the Part IA course ‘Biology of Cells’. The aims of the course are to describe how information is stored as DNA and expressed as specific proteins, how enzymes and other proteins exert their functions, how cells function as integrated and co-ordinated metabolic systems, and how the growth and differentiation of cells is controlled.
The first term is concerned with Molecular Biochemistry: genes and proteins in action. The three main themes are firstly gene cloning and manipulation, secondly the control of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and finally the structure of proteins, the molecular mechanisms of enzyme action and the manipulation of protein structure to modify function.
The second term builds on these basic molecular concepts to deal with Cell Biochemistry: properties and functions of membranes and organelles and the integration of metabolism. There is an initial discussion of the mechanisms by which metabolism is controlled and integrated, followed by bioenergetics (how cells obtain their energy supply on which all metabolism is based). The hormonal control of metabolism and mechanisms of signal transduction across the cell membrane is followed by consideration of signal transduction and chemotaxis in microorganisms, and a lecture covering basic aspects of immunology. The term ends with a discussion of the control of eukaryotic cell proliferation and how signalling pathways in mammalian cells are activated by growth factors.
The third term covers aspects of more unusual biology (‘How the other three quarters lives – how protists break the rules of biochemistry’) and cancer biology. This topic is concerned with a discussion of ‘cancer genes’ (oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes) and how the control of the cell cycle may be subverted in the development of tumours.
Practical work is designed to complement the lectures. It involves experiments and integrated discussion sessions, the use of computers in the analysis of DNA and protein sequences and in the simulation of metabolic control, and journal clubs where small groups are guided by a senior scientist in the interpretation of a recent scientific paper. An experimental design discussion has been introduced, where students are set an experimental problem to work through, led by a staff member, and are then set a second problem to consider themselves, working in small groups. This is designed to develop critical thinking about experimental objectives, methods, controls and planning.
The Structure of the BMB course
BMB is taught by means of lectures, laboratory-based exercises with linked discussions, Journal Clubs and Experimental Design sessions organised by the Biochemistry Department and also supervisions organised by your college.
The Lectures
- Each lecturer will prepare a handout. Our general policy for the handouts is that they should reflect the structure of the lectures. Handouts may be used to make compact statements about key features of the lectures, where tricky points may get additional explanation, or may be a more detailed set of the lecture slides. The handouts may contain copies of significant items displayed during lectures: they are not a literal script of the lectures, and don’t include extended commentary or background reference information. Colour versions of the lecture handout, along with lecture slides, are available on Moodle.
- Lecturers will also provide some questions related to the material that they have presented, which you and your supervisors may wish to discuss.
Progress in science is achieved through observation and experiment. Biochemistry (and its close cousin, molecular biology) is an experimental science that advances from well thought out investigations in the laboratory. No serious student should neglect the opportunities which this course provides to appreciate this fact. The BMB course includes experiments for you to gain some insight into how laboratory investigations are carried out and how data are processed and interpreted. To obtain useful results an experiment should be designed to answer a definite question and the detailed planning should be sufficiently rigorous to exclude adventitious errors. The BMB course provides the opportunity to plan some experiments, and students should benefit from the practicals in three ways:
- students will learn a variety of experimental techniques, all of which are currently used in biochemical research. The practicals have been designed to complement the lectures and fit in with their sequence as far as possible. The hands-on experience should link to the mental framework provided by the lectures and provide a deeper understanding and more realistic perspective of the topics discussed.
- Students will learn to handle experimental data effectively and to extract the maximum information content without falling into the trap of over-interpretation.
- Students will be helped when it comes to the data handling questions in the Tripos examination. Question papers from the last three years are included on Moodle.
BMB practicals are scheduled every day of the week, so provide an excellent opportunity for students to work in a relatively small group (maximum 30 students each day) where the ratio of student to demonstrators is high.
Journal Clubs
These small group sessions comprise structured exercises to help introduce students to reading primary scientific literature. There are two Journal Clubs, one on a molecular topic and the other more cell biological. A published paper is given to students, along with guidance notes and questions, to analyse during the week before the interactive session directed by one of the Biochemistry staff. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to critically evaluate the paper in a small group; most students find this a challenging but worthwhile exercise, since it gives exposure to the raw material of the scientific literature.
Experimental Design
Experimental design will be discussed throughout the course, and to consolidate this aspect of teaching in biochemistry there will be a teaching session on this in Lent Term.
NST Part IB Cell & Developmental Biology (CDB)
This course is taught jointly by the Departments of Biochemistry, Genetics, Plant Sciences and Zoology.
Teaching & Learning Methods
These include lectures, supervisions and practical work.
- to introduce some of the major ideas and current experimental approaches in cell and developmental biology
- to illustrate how molecular approaches complement classical cell biology in providing details of how cells carry out their basic processes;
- to consolidate and extend students’ knowledge of how cells work, how they interact and how they differentiate;
- to illustrate the excitement of the rapid advances in cell and developmental biology;
- to provide a framework for further specialised study of molecular, cellular and developmental biology in Part II courses in biological sciences.
At the end of the course students should:
- have developed knowledge of the major ideas in cell biology and developmental biology;
- have an understanding of the experimental approaches, and how they are applied to specific problems in cell and developmental biology;
- be able to carry out and interpret experiments in cell and developmental biology.
Assessment for this course is through:
- one unseen written examination based on the content of the lecture courses (for aims 1-4 and learning outcomes 1 and 2);
- one unseen examination, based on practical work conducted throughout the year (for aims 1-4 and learning outcomes 2 and 3).
Courses of Preparation:
Essential: NST Part IA Biology of Cells
NST Part II Biochemistry
This course is taught by the Department of Biochemistry.
Teaching & Learning Methods
These include lectures, supervisions, journal clubs with guided detailed analysis of a research paper, classes in data handling and scientific writing, problem-based learning exercise in bioinformatics, research work, small group teaching with occasions for oral presentations and debate of contemporary biochemical topics and issues of science that affect society.
- to provide an advanced understanding of the principles and topics of Biochemistry and their experimental basis;
- to provide training in research skills through an eight-week research project, together with journal clubs and data handling exercises;
- to provide analytical, and oral and written presentational skills.
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding in a number of core areas;
- demonstrate knowledge of the objective, methods, results and conclusions of their research project;
- demonstrate knowledge of the written presentation of research through the production of a report on their research project;
- analyse critically research literature and contemporary biochemical topics, and present such analyses in both written and oral formats;
- adopt a problem-solving approach to experimental data;
- explain the importance and impact of scientific topics to the non-specialist.
Assessment for this course is through:
- four unseen essay examination papers (for aims 1-3 and learning outcomes 1 and 4);
- one data handling examination paper (for aims 1-3 and learning outcomes 1, 4 and 5);
- a dissertation of no more than 5000 words, based on a research project undertaken over an eight-week period (for aims 2 and 3 and learning outcomes 2-5);
- a critical essay of no more than 3000 words (for aims 1 and 3 and learning outcomes 1, 4 and 6).
Courses of Preparation:
Essential: Part IB Biochemistry & Molecular Biology or NST Part IB Cell & Developmental Biology
Recommended: Knowledge of A-level Chemistry is assumed.
There is a requirement for students taking Part II Biochemistry or BBS to have taken either Part IB Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB) or Cell & Developmental Biology (CDB).
There is no minimum qualifying standard for entry into Part II, other than obtaining Honours in NST Part IB or MST/VST Part IB. However, continuing to Part III requires a II.i or better in NST II Biochemistry (see below).
Method of Application: Information on how to register for Part II will be made available to all in the Part II class. There is no interview and no specific entry form for NST Part II Biochemistry or BBS. In the Easter Term, students consult with their Director of Studies, then apply online through CamSIS.
No. of places available:
- 40 for lab-based projects (of these, only 30 may continue to the Part III Biochemistry course)
- 7 for BBS (no lab-based project; see below)
Part II Allocation: Coordinated centrally (NST) after the completion of Easter Term.
Ranking of Students
(a) NST students: the sum of their 3 subject scores in NST IB, plus their BMB (or CDB) IB mark again (i.e. double weighting given to their performance in BMB or CDB)
- A ranked order of merit based on the 3 subjects plus BMB/CDB mark is prepared and students are subsequently allocated to Part II Biochemistry. In the first round of Part II allocations, only 90% of places need to be filled (i.e. 36 students).
This provides some flexibility for changes made once students receive results etc.
- A meeting is subsequently held with representatives from each Department to discuss the allocation. The remaining places are allocated to students after this discussion.
(b) MST/VST students: Part IB marks are summed and adjusted to give a total out of 300 (i.e. bring it in line with the NST total).
Subject Summary - Part II Biochemistry
Biochemistry is the study of living organisms at the molecular and cellular level. As a core course for the whole of biological sciences, a training in Biochemistry leaves you with the widest choice when you come to select an area of cell/molecular biology in any subsequent research programme or career. Recruiters in industry, government, investment management, regulatory authorities, and industrial law appreciate the breadth and diversity of biological knowledge that Biochemistry provides.
Students have a choice between a one-year Part II (B.A. degree) and two years of study, in which Part II is followed by Part III (B.A. and M.Sci. degrees). Part II Biochemistry also provides an appropriate training for Part III Systems Biology. The subject Part IB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is the normal precursor to the Part II course but is not compulsory e.g. Part IB Cell and Developmental Biology is an adequate background to Part II Biochemistry. MVST students who are considering a career in medical research after qualifying will find the Part II course an excellent foundation.
The Part II course provides an advanced Biochemistry education, with modules entitled “Structural and Chemical Biology”, “From Genome to Proteome”, “Cell Cycle, Signalling and Cancer”, “The Dynamic Cell” and either “Molecular Microbiology of Infectious Disease” or “Bioenergy – The Exploitation of Plants and Microorganisms”. Teaching of transferable laboratory and communication skills (such as graphic illustration, record keeping, data analysis, database searching, seminar presentation, and report writing) is included in the course. Notice also that we place an emphasis through our extended critical essay on communication between scientists and society. See http://www.bioc.cam.ac.uk/teaching/third-year/biochemistry/part-ii-biochemistry.
The Part II course offers research experience through an eight-week research project. Students choose from possible research areas ranging from literature-based projects to bioinformatics or bench work and write a report. In the project each student will work closely with one of the research teams in the Department. There are also departmental-based group supervisions involving students and staff throughout the year.
Structure of the Part II Biochemistry course
General structure of the course
There are three main strands to the teaching: lectures, research work and group supervisions, including Journal Clubs. Students also attend specialist supervisions.
A. Lectures
The course is grouped into four 24 lecture modules, one of which has a branched structure to provide internal choice (Module C). In addition, there is a series of methods and skills sessions and students are expected to attend the Departmental Research Seminar Series.
Module A: Structural and Chemical Biology
This module will discuss how modern techniques of structural and chemical biology are being used to solve biological problems. The topics will draw on multiple aspects of macromolecular biochemistry including nucleic acid structure and interactions, signalling proteins and membrane proteins. Finally, new approaches to studying enzyme kinetics will be discussed and how the knowledge so gained can be used in drug discovery and protein design.
Module B: From Genome to Proteome
This module will examine all steps in eukaryotic gene expression from chromatin accessibility through to translation and mRNA turnover. Particular emphasis will be paid to: Regulation of gene expression, the co-transcriptional nature of RNA processing, functional coupling between different steps in gene expression, the impact of global and “systems” level approaches to understanding gene expression.
Module C: Stem – the Dynamic Cell
The first half of this module is a common stem of cell biology, whose theme is the dynamics of proteins and membrane- bound organelles in eukaryotic cells. The stem is followed by a choice between two branches concerned with, respectively, exploitation of plants and microorganisms for energy provision and molecular microbiology of infectious disease.
Module C: Branch 1 – Bioenergy
The bioenergy option aims to explore how photosynthesis in plants and algae can be harnessed for renewable energy production, whether directly using photovoltaic systems, or indirectly through production of oils or other forms of biomass such as cell walls. The module also looks at the conversion of biomass to other fuels.
Module C: Branch 2 – Molecular Microbiology of Infectious Disease
The molecular microbiology option explores prokaryotes as agents of disease and as source of antibiotics. It also examines virulence and resistance. Molecular aspects of eukaryotic protozoan pathogens are also studied.
Module D: Cell Cycle, Signalling and Cancer
The themes of this module draw on most modern biological techniques and impinge on core cell and molecular biology topics of signaling, DNA repair and apoptosis among others.
Experimental Methods and Skills
These feature key methods such as bioinformatics. Also included are data handling classes using past examination papers as core material to study approaches to data analysis and interpretation. Teaching of transferable laboratory and communication skills (such as graphic illustration, record keeping, data analysis, database searching and essay and report writing) are embedded in the course.
B. Research Work
There is an eight-week project during the Lent term (commencing on the first day of Full Term) that can be laboratory-, literature-, or computer-based. These projects will be carried out under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff or senior research staff.
C. Peer Group discussions
Peer Groups in Part II and Part III Biochemistry are arranged by the Department. Part II and Part III students are organised into mixed groups and a senior member of staff is responsible for facilitating the sessions, which take place once a week. Peer Group discussions are an essential part of the taught course.
Topics addressed include
- Journal Clubs: It is essential to acquire the ability to source, read and evaluate original papers; reliance should not be placed on review articles alone. The Journal Clubs help to develop these skills.
- Reviewing particular experimental techniques or selected areas of research.
- Critical evaluation of data.
- Science that affects Society.This can take the form of a supervision exercise structured and moderated by the staff members, where designated student discussants research the topic and lead off a debate.
- Integrated scientific essay: some time will be devoted to rehearsing the skills needed to tackle the Part III integrated scientific essay drawing on the overall scope of the landmark papers.
- Development of presentational skills. Students will be given the opportunity to make presentations on their project work, the problem-based learning bioinformatics exercise and on scientific papers
NST Part II Biological & Biomedical Sciences (BBS)
This course consists of material taught in other courses within the Natural Sciences Tripos and other Triposes.
Teaching & Learning Methods
These include lectures, supervisions and seminars.
- to provide a route for students who would prefer a broader biological curriculum than that offered in single subject Part II courses;
- to provide an education of the highest calibre in biosciences leading to graduates of the quality sought by the professions, the public service, and industry;
- to provide an intellectually stimulating and challenging learning environment in which students have the opportunity to develop their skills and enthusiasms to the best of their potential;
- to provide training in scientific principles and experience in evaluation of research;
- to contribute to the national needs for practitioners and leaders in the sciences, medical and veterinary professions.
At the end of the course students should have:
- an advanced, in depth, understanding of the core principles and their experimental basis of a chosen major subject;
- additional advanced understanding of a more limited area in a chosen minor subject;
- experience of independent work, including an introduction to aspects of scientific research skills;
- developed skills in analysis of arguments and data from research papers;
- developed skills of reasoned argument in written and oral scientific investigations and exegesis;
- verbal and written communication skills.
Assessment for this course is through:
Students offer the written papers of a chosen biological science subject in Part II of the Tripos together with one additional paper chosen from another Part II biological science or another Tripos. Students also offer a 6000-word dissertation. Students are advised to review the pages of the programme specification in the subjects offered.
There is a requirement for students taking Part II Biochemistry or BBS to have taken either Part IB Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB) or Cell & Developmental Biology (CDB).
There is no minimum qualifying standard for entry into Part II, other than obtaining Honours in NST Part IB or MST/VST Part IB. However, continuing to Part III requires a II.i or better in NST II Biochemistry (see below).
Method of Application: Information on how to register for Part II will be made available to all in the Part II class. There is no interview and no specific entry form for NST Part II Biochemistry or BBS. In the Easter Term, students consult with their Director of Studies, then apply online through CamSIS.
No. of places available:
- 40 for lab-based projects (of these, only 30 may continue to the Part III Biochemistry course)
- 7 for BBS (no lab-based project; see below)
Part II Allocation: Coordinated centrally (NST) after the completion of Easter Term.
Ranking of Students
(a) NST students: the sum of their 3 subject scores in NST IB, plus their BMB (or CDB) IB mark again (i.e. double weighting given to their performance in BMB or CDB)
- A ranked order of merit based on the 3 subjects plus BMB/CDB mark is prepared and students are subsequently allocated to Part II Biochemistry. In the first round of Part II allocations, only 90% of places need to be filled (i.e. 36 students).
This provides some flexibility for changes made once students receive results etc.
- A meeting is subsequently held with representatives from each Department to discuss the allocation. The remaining places are allocated to students after this discussion.
(b) MST/VST students: Part IB marks are summed and adjusted to give a total out of 300 (i.e. bring it in line with the NST total).
Subject Summary - Part II BBS
The aim of Part II Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) is to provide a rigorous and intellectually challenging biological Part II subject, for both third year Natural Scientists and Medical and Veterinary Science students. NST Part II BBS allows students to maintain some flexibility in their study at Part II, allowing them to combine courses from more than one single subject biological Part II and a choice of non-biology subjects. It requires the submission of a dissertation.
Course structure
The course has three main components
- A ‘Major’ Subject, which will typically draw on the core teaching of a single Part II subject but may draw on modules offered by more than one department. The ‘major subject’ will involve a minimum of 96 contact hours (excluding supervisions).
- A ‘Minor’ Subject, which can be provided by another department, which will involve 24-30 contact hours (excluding supervisions)
- A dissertation of up to 6000 words
Major subject allocation:
Registration for NST Part II BBS is part of the Part II Allocations Procedure used by biological departments for selection of students for the single subject Part II. Students will submit their choice for their major subject via CamSIS, by the beginning of Easter Term.
Minor subject allocation:
Once students are registered for their BBS Major Subject at the beginning of the long vacation, they will gain access to the BBS Moodle Site that contains detailed information regarding subject timetables and compatibility between subjects.
Students must register their Minor Subject choice by 1st September.
The department in which a student is taking their Major Subject will be designated as their “home” department. BBS students will have access to the same resources and support, such as soft skills training, journal clubs, seminars and facilities, as single subject NST Part II students in that department.
BBS in Biochemistry
As a Major Subject:
- Students are required to attend all the Biochemistry lectures Michaelmas and Lent Terms, as outlined above for Biochemistry Part II (i.e. Modules A-D).
- The course also requires attendance at the Part II & III weekly peer group sessions.
- Assessment of the BBS course is the same as for Part II Biochemistry – i.e. four written papers covering Modules A-D, and one ‘data handling’ paper dealing with the analysis and assessment of biochemical data and hypotheses.
- As well as the Biochemistry Major subject, students also take a 1-paper Minor subject in NST Part II BBS, provided by another Department.
For permissible subject combinations see https://www.biology.cam.ac.uk/undergrads/nst/bbs/subject-combinations.
Two of the Biochemistry modules may be taken as minor subjects in BBS:
- Module B (Michaelmas Term)
- Module D (Lent Term)
- According to the Regulations for NST Part II BBS, students must write a dissertation that “must not exceed 6,000 words, excluding appendices, tables, figures, footnotes and bibliography.”
- The dissertation is not a report of laboratory work as the Biochemistry Major subject has no experimental work included. The dissertation is typically an extensive literature review on a chosen topic.
- Students can expect to receive a maximum of 4 supervisions from their dissertation supervisor.
- Students are expected to meet with their supervisor at least twice during the preparation of their dissertation. Supervisors are only permitted to view a single draft of the dissertation prior to submission.
- Dissertation titles will be released no later than the first day of the full Michaelmas term.
- Dissertations are prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for the dissertation issued by the Faculty Board, which can be found at http://www.biology.cam.ac.uk/undergrads/nst/bbs/dissertations.
NST Part III Biochemistry
This course is taught by the Department of Biochemistry.
Teaching & Learning Methods
These include two advanced modules of 12 lectures in the first term, on “Molecular Recognition and Interaction” and “Cell Fate” of which students attend one, and two in the second term, on “Contemporary Cancer Studies” and “The Biochemistry and Biophysics of Neuronal and Metabolic Disorders” of which students attend one. In both terms there are weekly seminars on “Scientific Method and Experimental Design”. There are also short courses on research skills, a two-day course on laboratory safety, supervisions, journal clubs with guided detailed analysis of a research paper, classes in data handling, research work, small group teaching with occasions for oral presentations and debate of contemporary biochemical topics and issues of science that affect society.
- to build on Part II Biochemistry to deepen and extend research-level knowledge and integrated understanding of the scientific methods and processes. To study selected specialised aspects by means of lectures, and to develop research skills and knowledge of research techniques and instrumentation by means of seminars, lectures and a two-term research project.
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding in additional selected specialist areas;
- demonstrate knowledge of the objectives, methods, results and conclusions of their research project by means of interim and final seminars to an audience of their peers and departmental staff;
- demonstrate knowledge of the written presentation of research through the production of a report on their research project;
- analyse critically research literature and contemporary biochemical topics, and present such analyses in both written and oral formats;
- adopt a problem-solving approach to experimental data;
- demonstrate knowledge of cutting-edge experimental techniques designed to underpin the strong research focus of Part III;
- demonstrate knowledge of key papers that have significantly influenced the development of the subject.
Courses of Preparation:
Essential: NST Part II Biochemistry
Assessment for this course is through:
- one unseen essay examination paper to examine the advanced modules, requiring two essays covering the chosen first term module and two essays covering the second term module (for aim 1 and learning outcomes 1 and 4);
- one unseen examination paper to assess the journal clubs and seminar series (for aim 1 and learning outcomes 4, 5, 7 and 8) containing two sections of equal weight: the first section requires critical evaluation of a research article; the second section requires an integrated scientific essay);
- a dissertation of no more than 8000 words, based on a research project undertaken over two terms (for aim 1 and learning outcomes 1-7);
- an oral examination centred on the subject of the dissertation (for aim 1 and learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4-7).
In order to be a candidate for honours in Biochemistry in Part III of the Natural Sciences Tripos, a student should have obtained at least a II.i in Biochemistry in Part II of the Natural Sciences Tripos
Method of Application: Email sent to all current Part II Biochemistry students requesting an expression of interest
No. of places available: 30
Deadline for receipt of application: First Friday in May 30
Provisional decisions made by: Last Friday in May
The procedure for entry to Part III Biochemistry for students who have not taken Part II Biochemistry is as follows:
- Students contact the Biochemistry Teaching Secretary (examtchg@bioc.cam.ac.uk) during the Lent term, providing a summary of their grades and subjects in Part I.
- The student’s college DoS provides a reference for the student, supporting their application for Part III and undertaking to provide the student with any extra teaching that they require.
- The student writes a statement explaining their motivation for the Part III course and outlining any research experience that they have had so far.
- The procedure for Consideration of special cases is followed. The detailed entry requirements can be found at The Fourth Year – Part III.
Special cases
A student who has not met the required standard or who has not offered the required subjects as specified above, or who has not complied with the published deadline for receipt of applications, may request consideration as a special case. A request for special consideration should be forwarded by the student’s Director of Studies or Tutor to the Secretary of the relevant Faculty Board using the pro forma provided, at the earliest opportunity and, at the latest, within two weeks of the results being announced. The Director of Studies or Tutor should state the reasons for requesting dispensation, confirm that the College supports the request and is able to support the student, and believes that the student will be capable of undertaking the Part III course successfully. The application must be accompanied by copies of supervision reports, and a detailed breakdown of the student’s marks, year by year and subject by subject. The Committee nominated by the Faculty Board to consider special cases is not expected to consider circumstances of a nature on which the Applications Committee would normally make a judgement.
Representations regarding progression decisions are allowed for under the Procedure for the Review of Decisions of University Bodies.
Subject Summary - Part III Biochemistry
The Part III Biochemistry course is followed by undergraduates who have successfully completed the Part II Biochemistry course having met the set criterion in Part IB and Part II in order to be accepted for the 4-year course. The course allows students who wish to become professionals in the molecular biosciences to pursue a two-term research project during their fourth year, together with continuing advanced teaching in lectures and discussion groups. Success in the course leads to the award of the MSci degree.
The individual research project is conducted in the laboratory of the supervising member of staff and chosen from an extensive list. With prior approval by the Course and Projects Organisers, projects may be undertaken in other parts of the University, such as the Gurdon Research Institute, the Systems Biology Centre, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Institute of Metabolic Science, Department of Veterinary Medicine, MRC Human Nutrition Unit, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, MRC Molecular Biology Laboratories, Hutchison/MRC Research Centre, Unilever Cambridge Centre for Molecular Informatics or the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. The experimental work will start at the beginning of the first term and be written up as a dissertation (8,000-word limit, excluding footnotes and bibliography) by early in the third term. For many of the Part III class the project is the highlight of their degree as well as providing a real insight into the world of research.
In two research symposia (one to the Part III class and one to their weekly Peer Group), students present 20-minute reports and answer questions on their project. Production of these presentations is an excellent training for postgraduate and business careers. The research environment is reinforced by a series of seminars on “Scientific Method and Experimental Design”.
The training also includes Journal Clubs and advanced lectures. Weekly biochemical discussion sessions amongst other students and members of staff continue through the year. The third term is, as for Part II, otherwise free to devote to examination preparation through the departmental-based group supervisions, specialist supervisions with individual lecturers and self-guided supervision. At this stage, four-year students graduate with the BA and MSci degrees.
There are opportunities for students who satisfactorily complete the Part III course in Biochemistry to proceed to doctoral degrees by research, in Cambridge or elsewhere; the Department is well equipped for research on a wide range of biochemical topics.
Structure of the Part II Biochemistry course
General structure of the course
There are four main strands to the teaching: lectures, seminar series, research work and supervisions. There are no lectures or research work during the Easter Term, i.e. after the Easter Vacation: the early part of that term is available for general reading and revision.
A. Lectures
In Michaelmas Term, Part III students choose either:
- MT1: Molecular Recognition and Interaction:
Lectures present case studies in precisely understood contexts, within broad themes of protein-protein recognition (e.g. in molecular signalling), protein-nucleic acid recognition (e.g. in the RNA degradosome and DNA repair) and protein-small molecule recognition (e.g. in molecular assembly lines and drug screening). (12-lecture module); or
- MT2: Cell Fate:
How the developmental paths of cells (from cradle to grave) are determined, regulated and manipulated. Our current biochemical understanding of stem cells, differentiation, neurodegeneration, cell death and ageing. The experimental approaches and models used to study cell fate (12-lecture module).
In Lent Term, students choose either:
- LT1: The Biochemistry and Biophysics of Neuronal and Metabolic Disorders:
This module will show how molecular and systems approaches can further understanding of diseases that perturb metabolic integration, cardiovascular function and neurotransmitter and hormonal signalling. Contexts will include circadian and cardiac rhythm disturbance, neuronal disorders, obesity, and thrombotic disease (6 x 2-hour lecture module); or
- LT2: Contemporary Cancer Studies:
This module will look at a series of recent advances in our molecular understanding of cancer, with a combination of lectures and workshop-style discussions (7-8-workshop module).
B. Seminar Series on Scientific Method and Experimental Design
The overall aim is to develop the student’s understanding of scientific method and process – the development of hypotheses, the choice of experimental systems and the design of experimental tests of the hypotheses. These sessions use two complementary approaches: (a) investigating deployment of methodological resources and (b) discussion of landmark papers.
- The methodological sessions will cover choice and use of model organisms, genome projects, microarrays, proteomics, RNAi, interactomics and measurement of interactions, recombinant protein expression and imaging.
- The landmark paper discussions will provide an opportunity to understand what makes brilliant science, a sense of why current knowledge has accumulated as it has, and what limitations were imposed by the available technology. Each session, led by a member of staff, is assigned a landmark paper (or small group of papers) that represents a leap forward in biochemistry. Papers may be historic, such as the proposal of the lac operon, or more recent, such as advances in stem cell technology. Whilst the format may vary, one approach is where groups of students will research and make presentations to the class as a whole on various aspects of the paper being considered. These will include the state of knowledge before publication of the landmark paper, and the impact of the paper on biochemistry.
C. Research Work
There is a 17-week project during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms that may be laboratory-, literature-, or computer-based. The projects will be carried out under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff or senior research staff. The project weighting is 50% of the total marks in the examination. Throughout the project it is vital that students achieve a reasonable balance between project work and other aspects of the course. Whilst students are largely responsible for policing their own work programme, it is important that staff are mindful of the need for students to achieve this balance and to guard against any suggestion of undue pressure. It is important that students commence the Project write-up before the end of the Lent Term to ensure maximum revision time.
Part III students are invited to the weekly Friday seminars, where the academic staff present an overview of their research to other members of the department.
D. Project Symposium
There is a symposium at the start of Lent term when Part III students report on the progress of their research projects. Each student will have a total of 20 minutes (including 5 minutes for questions). All students must attend all the talks on the two days. Students are also called upon in group supervisions (see below) to report on their research progress. At the start of Easter term, students will be expected to give a final presentation summarizing their research project to their general supervision group.
E. Peer Group discussions
Peer Groups in Part II and Part III Biochemistry are arranged by the Department. Part II and Part III students are organised into mixed groups and a senior member of staff is responsible for facilitating the sessions, which take place once a week. Peer Group discussions are an essential part of the taught course.
Topics addressed include
- Journal Clubs: It is essential to acquire the ability to source, read and evaluate original papers; reliance should not be placed on review articles alone. The Journal Clubs help to develop these skills.
- Reviewing particular experimental techniques or selected areas of research.
- Critical evaluation of data.
- Science that affects Society. This can take the form of a supervision exercise structured and moderated by the staff members, where designated student discussants research the topic and lead off a debate.
- Integrated scientific essay: some time will be devoted to rehearsing the skills needed to tackle the Part III integrated scientific essay drawing on the overall scope of the landmark papers.
- Development of presentational skills. Students will be given the opportunity to make presentations on their project work, the problem-based learning bioinformatics exercise and on scientific papers
NST Part III Systems Biology
The Schools to be involved in delivering the taught parts of the Course include: Biological Sciences (Departments of Biochemistry, Genetics, Pathology, Plant Sciences and the Sainsbury Laboratory); Physical Sciences (DAMTP); Technology (Department of Engineering). Additional material will be contributed by external Institutes which may include: the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI); MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology (LMB); CR-UK Cambridge Research Institute (CRI); Microsoft Research.
- To acquaint students with backgrounds in the biological, physical, mathematical or computational sciences with the concepts and techniques of each other’s disciplines that are relevant to an integrated approach to the study of living systems.
- To equip students with the skills to generate comprehensive biological data sets, analyse them using appropriate statistical techniques, and use such data to generate mathematical or computational models of biological systems with predictive and explanatory power
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the biological, computational, engineering, mathematical, and physical sciences relevant to the integrative study of living systems;
- demonstrate knowledge of the objectives, methods, and efficacy of their design project by presenting a computer simulation of the implementation of their design to their peers and academic staff;
- demonstrate knowledge of the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of their research project by means of interim and final presentations to their peers and academic staff;
- demonstrate knowledge of the written presentation of research through the production of a report on their research project;
- analyse critically research literature and contemporary topics in systems and synthetic biology, and present such analyses in written and oral formats;
- adopt a model-building approach to the analysis of large-scale experimental data;
- explain the importance and impact of topics in systems and synthetic biology to both non-specialists in the natural sciences and engineering and to the lay public;
- demonstrate cutting-edge computational and experimental techniques relevant to systems biology.
These include an Introductory and three specialist taught modules. Each module will comprise both formal lectures and computer-based examples and practical classes. One of the specialist modules will include a design project. Weekly discussion groups will alternate between Journal Club presentations by students and seminars from external speakers. A 12-week research project will be run in the Michaelmas and Lent terms.
Assessment for this course is through:
- three written papers; one paper of three and one quarter hours, one paper of three hours and one paper of two hours (for aims 1-2 and learning outcomes 1,5, 6, 7);
- a computer based practical examination of three hours;
- a practical report of a design project (for aims 1-2 and learning outcomes 2, 6, 8);
- a report of a research project of not more than 6,000 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography (for aims 1-2 and learning outcomes 3-6, 8).
